The 24-bit color modelA color model is a measurement system that numerically specifies the perceived attributes of color. More uses eight bits for each of the three additiveWhat is an additive color model? The RGB (red, green, blue) color model is additive. When these thre... More colors redRed is the first of three primary colors in an additive color model. The "R" in RGB. More, greenGreen is the second of three primary colors in an additive color model. The "G" in RGB. More, and blueBlue is the third of three primary colors in an additive color model. The "B" in RGB. More. 24-bits can reproduce 256 shades for each primary color. In 24-bit color, each pixelPixels are the smallest unit of a digital display or digital image. A raster or bitmap image is made... More has 24 bits assigned to it, representing 16.7 million colors.