What is Cyan?

Cyan is the “C” in CMYKWhat is CMYK? Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (or Key) are the four colors of ink used in four-colo... More, which refers to the four colors of ink in four-color processA system of color printing with dots of magenta, cyan, yellow, and black (CMYK). More printing. CMYK is a subtractiveCMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black ) is a subtractive color model. The colors of ink added together ... More color modelA color model is a measurement system that numerically specifies the perceived attributes of color. More.
In the subtractive model, cyan is one of the primary colors, along with magentaMagenta is the second of the three primary colors in CMYK. M stands for Magenta. The color can be de... More and yellowOne of the three primary colors in a subtractive color model. The "Y" in CMYK. More. These three colors are used as the basis for creating a wide range of colors by subtracting specific wavelengths of light from white light. The fourth process colorProcess color is also referred to as four-color process. It is a printing process used to reproduce ... More, “K” or blackBlack is the fourth color in the process of four-color printing. The "K" in CMYK. Black adds tonal d... More, is added in process printing to create contrast and depth.