I love to photograph reflections. I think it is the abstract qualities that I like most. I am also drawn to the contrasts between subjects, shapes and colors. Reflections offer a surprise element too. Some reflected details just aren’t noticeable until the editing process starts. Editing becomes even more fun when I discover things in my images.
NYC offers an over abundance of reflections to photograph. I saw so many incredible images reflected in the glass buildings, that at times I’d forget to look at the actual buildings and people around me.
This is one of the first images I photographed after arriving in the city. I shot this from inside of our hotel room on the 8th floor, looking straight out to the buildings behind us. Amazingly the image doesn’t have any glare, which often happens when photographing through glass. This picture is proof that in digital photography, every interesting shot is worth a try, despite the apparent obstacles.
Here is a cropCrop is used to change the size and dimensions of the canvas. Photoshop's crop tool can be used to d... More of the same image from above. I think I may like it even better than the full frame. I love all the reflected abstract details. If you look close, you can see people at their desks in the lower right windows.
I like the confused depth perception in this one. At first glance it is hard to tell what is in front of what.
This photo is a great example of how incredible NYC building reflections are in terms of colors and size. The street lamp and shop signs give the reflection some scale and perspective.
The glass building just outside of the 9/11 memorial create a gigantic canvasCanvas is the entire work area of a document. Think of it as the top of your office desk. More for a beautiful city reflection. The window construction crew in the lower left give it scale.
The Hearst Tower is reflected in this image. I love the geometric composition and the negative space created by the sky.
The Radisson Hotel reflection.
I love how the old brick towers are reflected perfectly in the glass building which is silhouetted against the sky. It almost looks like a giant billboard.
The blueBlue is the third of three primary colors in an additive color model. The "B" in RGB. More glass reflection contrasts nicely with the redRed is the first of three primary colors in an additive color model. The "R" in RGB. More building. Too bad the building in the background isn’t greenGreen is the second of three primary colors in an additive color model. The "G" in RGB. More. If it was, I would call this image RGBWhat is RGB? RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue. These are the colors of light. Monitors, TVs, and ... More.
Sometimes reflections look even better in blackBlack is the fourth color in the process of four-color printing. The "K" in CMYK. Black adds tonal d... More and white.
The following two images are different views of the same curved glass building. I wish I knew the buidling name. The curved style is very distinct and unique and great for catching reflections.
I’m pretty sure I could spend a week in NYC just photographing reflections.