This is my last set of NYC images, the leftover odds and ends. For whatever reason they didn’t fit into a previous group, but I think they are worth sharing anyway.
Yankee Stadium
We went to a Yankee game on our first night in the city. Sitting in the “cheap seats”, we cheered for the game of baseball. The Yankee fans treated us well, appreciating our love of the game, regardless of our opinions of their team.
We even got our very own Derek Jeter Bobble Head dolls.
I waited patiently for the sun to set hoping it would paint the buildings orange. Just as the sun started down, the clouds rolled in. We only saw a fleeting few minutes of orange sky.
The rain came shortly after.
Iconic Buildings
The New Yorker Hotel
Flatiron Building
The Apple Store
I’m not sure if this counts as iconic, but it looks like it should.
Times Square
Girls just want to shop.
Battery Park
The view as we headed to Liberty Island
York Street Station with moving train.
Empire State Building
I love the graphic quality of the streets and buildings when viewed from above.
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Lady Chappel.
I really didn’t feel comfortable taking pictures inside of the Cathedral but I did it anyway, and I’m happy that I did.